Competiton disciplines
Straight line
(with or without music)
The Gymwheel is in continuos motion, rolling
on both hoops. The gymnast, positioned inside
the wheel, appoints the direction of rolling by
shifting his body into the rolling direction.
Straight line differs according to central
and decentral exercises. 
During central elements, the gymnast is mostly
situated in the wheel center.
As opposed to decentral elements where the
gymnast is situated outside the wheel center
wich leverages the wheel in a special way.
This discipline is devided into a-, b-, c- and
d-elements (highest difficulty elements),

"decentral exercise"
which has to be done in a prescribed number
of lanes (one lane is composed of 3 wheel rotations).
In straight line with music the gymnast trys to
interprete the music with his movements.
Because of this the performance- and stance
rules of the "regular" Straight-line varies:
postures (arms, legs, ...) are widely released,
 wheel stagnancies and leverages in the middle
of the lane are permitted. The number of lanes
are not constricted. The gymnast has the chance
to widely create his exercise in harmonie to the
music free. In straigh line the competition area
is 3m x 23m plus a securityzone.

"central exercise"
During the spiral the gymnastic wheel moves
circularly on one hoop. By accordingly shifting
his weight, the gymnast has the ability to control
the wheel on it´s circular path and executes
different exercises, which are also categorizised
into a-, b-, c- and d-elements(highest difficulty

"small spiral"
A distinction is drawn between "big spiral"
where the inclination has to be more than 60°,
and the "small spiral" with less than  30°.
Both kinds of spiral have to be shown in the
competion exercise.
The competion area is 13m x 13m plus

"big spiral"
For doing the vault right, the gymnast actuates
the wheel from outside. After a fast startup
and a dynamic jump, the gymnast reaches the top
of the gymnastic wheel, by an athletic, forcefull
push he gets into a flight phase to land secure
on the meadow. A difference is made between
different kinds of jumps (somersault, flips,
barrel rolls...). These jumps, depending on the
difficulty, have a different final notes. While in
the german national section just the male
competitors have to do the vault, in the
international section also female competitors
have to do it.
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